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Training Programs & Practice Requirements

Abuse and Neglect Requirements

Training for all personnel in the prevention and detection of all forms of abuse and neglect, and

Routine exercises and drills to test the reactions of staff to simulated conditions where abuse and neglect could potentially occur are incorporated into the providers ongoing workforce staff training and development plan.

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Deliverables by Provider Type

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Deliverables by Provider Type

Young Nurse

Resource for Caregivers on Abuse & Neglect Prevention

This resource outlines education, support groups, and training opportunities for people who are caring for those living with an intellectual or developmental disability, a serious mental illness, or any type of dementia.

Business Meeting

Abuse, Neglect, & Exploitation Qualified Vendor Training

DDD’s Training Unit provides qualified vendor training to support statewide providers and caregivers to best serve DDD members.

Support Group Session

Arizona Sexual Violence & Disability Network

The Arc of Arizona works to meet the critical needs of communities and offers a multitude of resources and training.

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