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The Five (5) C's of Workforce Development (WFD)
5 essential facets that drive the workforce.

Capability/ Competency
Capability refers to an employee's ability to perform the work expected of them to the required standards (Skills and Knowledge).
Competency is the ability to put knowledge and skills into practice.
- What is it that you want each role at your agency to be good at?
- Create ways to assess where staff are for each competency (initial and ongoing assessments/performance reviews).
- Create an approach to develop these competencies, from the lowest need to the highest (ex: knowledge-based training, shadowing, practicing, coaching, mentoring).
- Meet each staff where they are with the appropriate approach to increase their level of ability for each competency.
- Provide Supervision training on staff development and assessment.
- Identified competencies should be included in all job descriptions.
- Interviews should be focused on identified competencies.
- Create a career ladder for staff to know what is needed to move up in the company.

Ensuring a sufficient workforce to provide services to meet members’ needs.
- What is your plan to make sure that your agency remains fully staffed?
- Do you have a contingency plan when unable to fill certain positions?
- What are the steps you take when you experience a staff capacity issue?

Employees’ satisfaction with their work and pride in their employer, the extent to which people enjoy and believe in what they do for work and the perception that their employer values what they bring to the table.
- Create an employee retention program.
- What does your agency do to address employee satisfaction?
- Is this a part of your culture?
- Does your agency recognize staff achievements?
- Look at reasons why staff are leaving your agency, is there something you can do differently?
- Look at what business results can happen with the focus on employee satisfaction.
- What does your agency do to foster employee satisfaction and does your agency reciprocate commitment to its employees (e.g., how does agency invest in staff development)?

Being connected to an appropriate pool of workers to choose from.
Using technology to meet the needs of the agency, the staff and its members.
- What avenues do you use to reach out to the workforce (ex:…)
- Do you have a process (recruiting agency) to recruit medical staff?
- Are staff equipped with the technology needed to perform their jobs?
- Is your agency engaged with the HIE?
- Do you use a patient portal?

Culture is the character and personality of your organization. It's what makes your business unique and is the sum of its values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviors, and attitudes.
Create a Culture for your workplace. This is a team effort – starting at the top!
- Why is it important to create a workplace culture?
- What are your companies' values and beliefs?
- What do you want the culture at your agency to look like?
- Why would someone want to come work for your agency?
- How does employee satisfaction fit into your culture?
- How will you let others know what your workplace culture is?
- How will you hold all staff accountable for the culture
- What will you do if something jeopardizes your culture?
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