Exercises & Drills
Abuse and Neglect Requirement
Ensures that providers have access to and are following all training programs and practices required by the Report of the Abuse & Neglect Prevention Task Force to Governor Douglas A. Ducey (November 1, 2019):
Resources and training programs to assist professionals and family caregivers prevent and manage stress and burnout
Training for all personnel in the prevention and detection of all forms of abuse and neglect, and
Routine exercises and drills to test the reactions of staff to simulated conditions where abuse and neglect could potentially occur are incorporated into the providers ongoing workforce staff training and development plan.
Provider may utilize Relias trainings regarding abuse and neglect. a. After completing the Relias training, the provider can ask staff to create a vignette or possible scenario to test the reactions of staff to simulated conditions.
Provider can create agency specific abuse and neglect situations. a. The staff can role play the situation while incorporating the appropriate reaction. b. Or, Staff can verbally describe the appropriate reaction. c. Observer will provide feedback.
Providers can incorporate routine exercise and drill scenarios while conducting the Incident, Accident, Death reporting (IAD), Seclusion and Restraint training, mandatory reporting, or any other training where abuse and/or neglect may occur.
Provider can create interrater reliability evaluations to ensure consistency and accuracy amongst staff.
Conduct Abuse and Neglect trainings during onboarding and referrals to EAP.
In addition to what Relias offers this agency offers a formalized training called Safe Environment Training” which highlights mandated report guidelines/laws and identifies all types of Red Flags related to Abuse and Neglect.
Assessments are staffed during supervisions using a formal process to identify any abuse or neglect red flags.
Virtual role plays and the development of a specific document called Guiding Principles of identifying abuse and neglect.
Include abuse and neglect and neglect in Ethics and Boundaries trainings
Use recorded vignettes that are used for staff to view and then have group discussion to identify the appropriate response.
Utilize all staff meetings to conduct break outs with simulated activities and test responses for competency either verbally or on paper.
Create telehealth scenarios and test staff responses virtually.

Deliverables by Provider Type