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Request Relias Learning Management System

Looking to Join AWFDA's Relias network?

Per AHCCCS’ ACOM 407 and the HP Provider Manuals, it is a contractual requirement that all ACC/RBHA BH contracted agencies with a provider type as indicated by the Deliverables by Provider Type listing, complete and submit an annual Provider-Workforce Development Plan (P-WFDP), and track their staff’s completions of the mandated statewide trainings through a Statewide Learning Management System, identified as Relias.

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Complete the Request for Relias Learning Management System form below.


AzAHP receives the request and assigns it to the applicable contracted Health Plan(s) for the organization.


The applicable Workforce Development (WFD) Administrator(s) for the organizations contracted Health Plan(s) will coordinate and one of the associated WFD Administrators will initiate next steps.


The WFD Administrator will submit a request to the Relias Client Success Manager (CSM).


The Relias CSM will notify the Relias account owner.


The Relias account owner sets up an account in Salesforce, under the AzAHP Enterprise and issues a one-time implementation fee agreement of $1,500 directly to the provider.


Provider agencies with 20 or more users will be required to purchase access to Relias Learning for a one-time fee of $1,500 for full-site privileges. A full-site is defined as a site in which the agency may have full control of course customization's and competency development.


Provider agencies with 19 or fewer users will be added to AzAHP Relias Small Provider Portal at no cost with limited-site privileges. A limited-site is defined as one in which the courses and competencies are set-up according to the standard of the plan with no customization or course development provided.


Provider agencies that expand to 20 or more users will be required to purchase full-site privileges to Relias Learning immediately upon expansion.


d. Provider agencies with an existing Relias contract will be required to fulfill the terms of their current contract with Relias and move forward with a new sub-portal under the AzAHP Relias Enterprise at a cost of $1,500.

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